Tuesday, March 9, 2010

still asking why

I wonder all the time about how things come to be as they are. I observe arrogance in awe all the time and ask myself, why is it that they turned out that way? And what makes people self- conscious? When you have a child you start seeing things very differently, at least that has been my way of seeing things. When I had my daughter, I started reflecting on my childhood and remember all the things that irked me. Things I have left far back in my past, they resurfaced, my old fears. When something happens in your childhood that's so hard to bare, on tends to bury it from memory instead of dealing with it. Dealing with it hurt far too much sometimes. I started reflecting on why I was I am so protective of my life, what happened when I was a child that told me not to trust the world......I watch people like George Bush, what made him believe that a life isn't a life unless it an American one? At what point did his morality shatter, or did he ever have any? Is he just trying to make his father proud? What broke inside someone like Hitler? Or Stalin? Or Mobutu ? what made them decide to stop trying to better their souls?
I am finaly starting to see every single person as an individual....ponder on their thought process, what motivates a killer? a lover? a husband? a wife? what drives them to be good or bad?
did they decide when they were 7 years old? 10, 11, when is it too late to save someone from themselves? Or is it never too late?
mmm something to ponder, reflect and seek in life....( helps one not judge one another too harshly)
yours truly

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